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Schools, Choices, And Children: Picking Your Kid's School

When the time came to choose a school for my children, I was overwhelmed by all of the choices. From public school to private school, with charter schools and cyber schools as well, I had no idea where to start. I finally jumped into the research with precision focus so that I could fully understand the choices. My research was exhaustive, and there was no single source to find all of the details in one place. I created this site to build just that. I hope that the information here helps you to find the school that's right for your child.

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Schools, Choices, And Children: Picking Your Kid's School


How a Tutor Can Help You Prep for Your ACT

The ACT is a standardized test that measures college readiness in high school students. It includes English, Math, Reading, Science, and an optional Writing section. Preparing for the ACT can be a daunting task for many students, but having a tutor can enhance the effectiveness of your preparation.  Identifying Your Weaknesses One of the biggest benefits of working with a tutor for ACT prep is that they can help you identify your weaknesses.